Thursday, November 29, 2012

Chapter One

Khushi awoke and saw Arnav first thing. He was still asleep, still on the sofa. Khushi got up and went to the bathroom and got ready for the day. When she got out, Arnav was up and he was getting his clothes out. He walked past her, awkwardly, and went into the bathroom.

Khushi headed down to the kitchen and found Arnav's mother, Anannya. Khushi helped her out and prepared breakfast and Mamaji and Arnav came down.

"Di, we have to head to headquarters now," Mamaji said.


"It's urgent Di."

"Fine," Anannya pouted.

Khushi looked at Arnav and he looked down at the floor. He would look up every now and then at Khushi, and she would flinch and look away.

Before leaving, Arnav took blessings from his mother and then they left. Khushi watched as Arnav left and Anannya placed her hand on her shoulder.

"Arnav is a really nice person," Anannya said, "once you get to know him."

Khushi simply smiled and Anannya left to work. The entire day passed and Khushi was bored. Anjali was at her in-laws, so Khushi didn't have any company.

It was getting late and Mamaji had already arrived. Arnav was at the office, the home office that was right next door. Khushi didn't know whether or not if she should go there and by the time she made up her mind, Arnav came walking in.

Arnav was surprised to see Khushi still awake. He thought she might've fallen asleep by now, but here she was in front of him. The two felt awkward and Khushi turned away to get the food ready on the table. Arnav sat down and Khushi put everything down. Arnav was about to serve himself, but Khushi did it anyways. He looked down at his plate and then at her and she sat down beside him and waited for him to begin.

Arnav looked at his plate and then at her. "Um… did you eat?"

Khushi shook her head.

"Why not?"

"I was waiting… for you."

Arnav just looked at her and Khushi looked down at her hands.

"Go get a plate for yourself," Arnav said.

Khushi nodded and got one and sat back down. She poured food onto her plate and waited for Arnav to begin. He just looked at her and the two felt awkward, so Arnav began to eat. Khushi began to eat too and the two ate, nothing but silence around them.


Arnav and Khushi were getting ready for bed and Arnav changed into his pjs. He grabbed his pillow and went to the sofa, while Khushi had gone to the bathroom to change into her night gown.

She got out and saw Arnav asleep on the sofa. Truth is, he only had his eyes shut. Khushi walked over to him and knelt down. She looked at him and thought back to their teenage years. Even though Khushi and Arnav were never close, Khushi once used to have a crush on him. They were about 16 and she had told Anjali, since Anjali is her best friend. Anjali would tease her, but she never said anything to Arnav, but that was only because Khushi promised that if she had told Arnav, then she would tell Shyam, her crush at that time, and now present husband, that she was hitting on him.

Khushi moved her finger through his hair, not even thinking. Arnav was confused but it felt good. After a few minutes passed, Khushi realized and her hand snapped away, is if she were electrocuted. She went to bed and turned the lights off, facing the other way. Arnav looked up at her, but she didn't turn, and he went to sleep.