Monday, November 26, 2012


"Do you, Arnav Singh Raizada, son of the late Arbaz Singh Raizada, wish to take the hand of Khushi Kumari Gupta, with a dowry of 50 lakhs?"

"I do."

"And do you, Khushi Kumari Gupta, daughter of Shashi Gupta, accept to take the hand of Arnav Singh Raizada, with a dowry of 75 lakhs?"

Khushi's eyes swelled with tears and she looked straight as she was doing the entire time. "I do."

The recessions began and Arnav Singh Raizada and Khushi Kumari Gupta made their vows. Arnav placed the mangalsutra around her neck and filled her maang with the sindoor. Khushi shut her eyes as she left her innocent world and became part of an ugly game.


Khushi stood beside the bed. The maids had helped Khushi get rid of her jewelry and let her hair out. She stood there until Arnav came in, her now-husband.

She shut her eyes and stood still as she felt Arnav come closer and closer. But instead of him saying or doing anything to her, he just grabbed a pillow and went to the sofa and went to sleep. Khushi looked at him in wonder and then turned off the lights and went to bed.

Arnav looked at Khushi, who had her back faced towards him. Both were thinking back to how they got to this position.

*Khushi's flashback*

"Dad, how could you do this to me," she yelled. "I'm your daughter, not one of your men you order around."

"Beti, you know I'm doing it for your good-"

"Dad, I don't love him!"

"You will in time. He may be Chief Minister but-"

"Dad I don't love him and I will not marry him-"

"You will marry him and that is my final word!"

*End of Flashback*

*Arnav's Flashback*

"I don't want to get married Mama," Arnav yelled.

"Arnav, try to understand! Marrying her will mean getting a bunch of money from Shashi Gupta for support of your party, forget dowry!"

"But I don't want to get married!"

"But you have to. You want to win, don't you?"

"Of course, but-"

"Then you'll have to do this."

Arnav sighed. "Fine Mama, whatever you say."

*End of Flashback*

Khushi turned and Arnav shut his eyes. She looked at him for moment and wondered. Arnav's family and Khushi's family had been friends for a long time. But, Khushi would always hang out with Arnav's sister, Anjali. She never really spoke to Arnav and nor did he. While Anjali and Khushi spent time together, Arnav was growing and following the family footsteps and wanted to become Chief Minister.

Khushi finally drifted asleep and Arnav looked at her. He never realized how beautiful she was until today. Heck, he never even paid attention to her. And here they were today, husband and wife, in the same room, really close, yet really far away.

*Arnav's Flashback*

"Di, I don't know if I want to marry her," Arnav said.

Anjali smiled. "She is a very sweet girl. She knows a few politics too you know, so at least you have that in common. But other than that, I know she will be a very good girl to be your wife Chote. Trust me on that."

"I always trust you Di."

She smiled. "Watch. You two will be very happy together. I know you'll keep her happy."

*End of Flashback*

I hope you're right Di, he thought. I hope you're right.

And he went to sleep.

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