Saturday, January 12, 2013

Chapter Seven

Arnav didn't have a clue of where they were going. They ended up going to the outskirts of town and to the rundown area. There used to be people who lived in these areas, but back then the poor would live here. Ever since everyone "upgraded" people moved out of there. Even the poor found it "low class" and the poor had shifted elsewhere.

On the other hand, since now no one barely came this way, a person found this as the best place to put a club. Since it opened, slowly people went there. When Khushi found out about it, she was more than delighted, finally finding a place outside her world.

"Khushi, where are we going?"

"We're almost there. Just go down this hill and make a right."

Arnav did as she said and saw the club. Just from the sight, Arnav got a bad feeling. Not because of the kind of people who were there, but because of the huge line. Khushi grabbed his hand and guided him towards the club.

The minute her hand had touched his, Arnav didn't pay attention to anything and just looked at Khushi. She was just plain mesmerizing and Arnav felt a bliss. When Khushi let go, he snapped back to reality and found himself at the front of the line.

"Khushi," he whispered. "You just cut a whole bunch of people."

Khushi just nodded, gesturing to him to just follow her. Khushi turned to the bouncer and cleared her throat. The big guy turned and Arnav's eyes widened a bit. The guy was huge! Taller than he was, not mention with a lot of extra pounds added. Looking at the guy, you'd probably pee in your pants. But Khushi? She was smiling as jolly as a five year-old girl with ginormous lollipop in her hand.

"Hey Rob," Khushi smiled.

 "Khushi! Where have you been?!"

"'round. Missed me?"

"You know me! Anyways, it's been a while. VIP booth hasn't been the same without you."

VIP, Arnav wondered. Wow.

"Alright, enough of me stalling you. Go on in," he pointed inside.

Khushi smiled. "See ya later."

Khushi turned to go in and Arnav was about to follow, when Rob stopped him.

"Excuse me," Rob's voice boomed. "Back of the line!"

Khushi turned and grabbed Arnav's hand. "Oh, my bad! Rob, he's with me."

"Oh, my bad," Rob said. "Who's your new friend?"

"He's my husband."

Rob was shocked and Khushi just smiled and dragged Arnav in, him lost in her.

They got inside to the lobby, where there were people sitting on the sofas, people making out, drinking, and talking. Some of them recognized Khushi and said hi to her and she smiled back at the people she knew and said hey.

Arnav was shocked by how many people knew her. Yet out of the people that said hi to her, she prolly said hi back to about five or six people. Arnav didn't keep track since he was to busy admiring her beauty.

Right as they were about to enter the main part of the club, Khushi turned and looked at Arnav. "Now then, if you're worried about anyone recognizing you, don't. No one gives a cr*p about politics here, nor pays a little mind to it, which is why I would come here. Every other club I'd go to, people would always recognize me. Here, people only know me for my, how should I put this… craziness."

Arnav just nodded once and Khushi took him inside, unveiling a whole other world to Arnav. The place was dark, colorful lights flashing. The dj was at his booth and there were people dancing themselves away at the dance floor. Khushi led him to the VIP section and Khushi saw her friends.

"Hey guys!"

They saw Khushi and a girl went running up to her. "Khushi! Where have you been yaar?!"

"'round. What's up with you Jaz? You dyed your hair red!"

"Yeah, thought of doing something to it."

"It's cute!"


Khushi looked at the others and they exchanged hugs. "Oh yeah," she grabbed Arnav's hand and made him move closer to her. "This is my husband."

One of the guys stood up. "Hey man! I'm Alex," he said, holding his hand out.

Arnav held his out. "Arnav."

Alex took his hand and leaned in and collided their chests. Arnav couldn't remember the last time he had done a handshake like that. So much swag.

"Why are you guys sitting here," Khushi asked.

"It's been boring without you here," Liza said.

"Aww! How sweet!"

"Well its true," Max said.

"Fine then. How about we go and dance? Hmm?"

They all nodded and they walked out to the dance floor. Khushi took off her jacket to leave it there and Arnav took his off as well. When he did, Khushi moved over to him.

"Ready to have fun," Khushi asked.

Arnav nodded.

She smiled and took his hand and led him out to the dance floor.