Monday, November 3, 2014

Chapter Fifteen

For a moment, the two just stood there, holding each other. Their love was claimed and approved, and at this point, what could anyone else want?

Arnav let go first and pulled back. He cupped Khushi's face and tilted it up so she would look at him. Khushi snuggled into his embrace and smiled softly. Arnav smiled as well, looking straight into her eyes. He saw the love she had for him and her eyes reflected the love he displayed in his eyes.

Within the blink of an eye, Arnav kissed her. Khushi's eyes were wide at first, but they drifted shut within the second and she was in complete bliss. She kissed him back, moving her hands up to wrap them around his neck. The kiss intensified within seconds, Arnav pulling Khushi's body up against his, his erection digging into her stomach. Khushi moaned softly, giving Arnav access into her mouth. His tongue explored, and Khushi tentatively met his with hers.

Pulling back for air, Khushi shut her eyes and Arnav leaned his forehead against hers. Their eyes were hooded, tugging on air to calm themselves. Once Khushi's breathing was back to normal, she looked up at Arnav and smiled.

Arnav smiled as well. "I love you, Khushi."

Khushi beamed. " You have no idea how happy it makes me when I hear that."

Arnav pecked her lips and looked at her. "It's late. You should go to bed."

Khushi glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost two. "Aren't you coming with me?"

Arnav just looked at her, his lips parted.

"Please? I don't want you sleeping on the couch."

Arnav smiled softly. "Okay."

Arnav took her hand and led her to bed. Khushi laid down and Arnav retrieved the blanket from the floor. He placed it over Khushi and he climbed in beside her. Khushi turned to him and Arnav faced her. They remained that way, gazing at each other as the minutes passed. Arnav reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear and Khushi turned into his embrace.

Arnav wrapped his arm around Khushi and pulled her in. "You should sleep."

"I will, but...."

Arnav scrunched his eyebrows. "But what?"


Khushi glanced down, feeling Arnav's erection digging into her hip.

Arnav looked down. "Oh... that."

Khushi pursed her lips and looked at him through her eyelashes.

"Uh," he looked up at Khushi. "A cold shower will do the trick."

"Are you sure," Khushi whispered.

Both Arnav and Khushi felt it twitch slightly. Khushi gasped and shut her eyes to the strange feeling.

"Sorry," Arnav muttered.

Khushi looked at him and was shocked - he was embarrassed, his cheeks slightly flushed.

Khushi couldn't help but to giggle. "It's okay."

"Um, I should go take care of the, uh, situation."

Before Khushi could say anything, Arnav got up and went into the bathroom. He shut the door behind him, not locking it. He hopped right into the large shower and let cold water stream down on him.

Too bad it wasn't helping.

Come on, Arnav growled in his head, but his penis refused.

He waited a bit more, but it was no use - his erection was still in full spring.

Arnav groaned in frustration. Guess I'll have to rub this one out.

Arnav took hold of himself and began to jerk off. He shut his eyes, trying really hard to pleasure himself, but all he could think of was Khushi. It was at that moment that he had realized that the only solution to this was Khushi.

But I can't, Arnav exclaimed in his head.


Arnav looked up and saw Khushi standing by the door. She had been standing there for a while now and had seen that Arnav was helpless. She walked towards him, opening the shower door and entered.

"Khushi, why did you get out of bed?"

"You were gone for a while so I came in...."

Arnav looked down, taking in his situation. There he was, standing under streaming cold water, holding onto his erection, unable to do anything even though he had his beautiful wife in front of him. The thought of it made Arnav laugh, puzzling Khushi.

"Why are you laughing Arnavji?"

"The whole situation now... it's just funny."

"Because you can't get yourself to rid of your erection by jerking off?"

"Yeah," Arnav scoffed lightly.

Khushi pursed her lips and moved forward, standing before Arnav. "What if I helped you?"

Arnav's eyes widened. Khushi only looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"Khushi I... I can't let you do that."

"What? But why," Khushi asked softly.

Arnav cupped Khushi's face. "I don't want to rush anything on you. I know we've just confessed our love for each other, but I want to get to know you before we do anything else."

Khushi smiled softly and went on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. "That's very sweet of you Arnavji."

Arnav ran his thumb on her cheek. "There's more to this politician than you think."

"And I can't wait to get to know him," she smiled softly. 

Arnav smiled as well. 

"But what if you get a case of blue balls," Khushi asked with concern. 

"Well, I'll just have to suffer for a while," he smiled lightly, trying to enlighten the mood.

Khushi bit her lip and both of them looked down at Mr. Happy, who didn't understand that he wouldn't be happy for long, and would become Mr. Angry-As-Fuck instead.

"I don't like it," Khushi said. 

Arnav looked at her. "What?"

"You suffering and in pain... I don't like it."

Arnav cupped her cheek. "It's okay."

"No, its not. You can relieve yourself from this situation but you're being stubborn and choosing not to."


"I don't care what you say, I'm helping you."

"Khushi, no-"

Khushi dropped to her knees and held him in her hand. Arnav's eyes widened as he gasped, looking right at Khushi. She was looking back up at him, moving her hand slowly on him.

"Khushi don't," Arnav breathed. 

"But I can't stand the thought of you in pain!"

Arnav's jaw slacked as he gazed at her.

Khushi slowly moved her hand. "I know how much it hurts you to see me hurt - I've seen it with my own two eyes. How could you think I was any different?"

"Khushi..." but he didn't know what to say.

"Please let me Arnav. Please?"

Arnav shut his eyes for a moment. "Have you done this before," he asked and then opened his eyes, looking at her intensely.

Khushi shook her head. "No," she breathed.

Arnav nodded. "Good."

Taking that as her cue, Khushi moved her hand faster. She had seen what he was doing so she had an idea of what to do. Plus, she's watched porn numerous times before so she knew what to do.

Arnav groaned, his eyes rolling back. Khushi's touch was innocent, but clear with what her mission was. Khushi watched her husband as he threw his head back and groaned again. Seeing his reactions only influenced Khushi to do it more, so she moved her hands faster. 

"Khushi," he groaned.

Khushi was completely turned on. To have a man call out your name in complete ecstasy was heady as hell! Arnav tilted his pelvis, pushing forward into her hand.

"Use both hands," Arnav whispered.

Khushi did as he said, moving both hands on his length. And then the gears began to crank in her head, her somehow knowing how to do all of this. She continued to move her hand, twisting them as she went down and back. 

What if I put him in my mouth, she wondered.

She looked up at Arnav to see see him looking at her, his jaw slacking. In the blink of an eye, Khushi replaced her hands with her mouth. 


Arnav had tried to back away, but Khushi had grabbed him by his ass and pulled him forward, moving him deeper in her mouth. Arnav grunted and placed his hands through Khushi's hair. He tugged on it as Khushi's head bobbed back and forth. Her tongue swirled around him, savoring his taste.

"Khushi, if you don't want me to come in your mouth-"

Khushi grazed her teeth on him and with a loud grunt, Arnav came, pouring right into Khushi's mouth. With his grasp on Khushi's hair tight, his eyes screwed shut and he threw his head back. Khushi swallowed immediately, sucking him clean. When she released him, she looked up to see Arnav gazing at her.

Arnav bent down and joined her on the floor. He ran his thumb over Khushi's lips, wiping it clean. She held his hand and sucked his thumb clean, making Arnav shut his eyes. 

"Was I good," Khushi asked softly. 

Arnav opened his eyes and looked at her. "You were. ... but you shouldn't have done it."

In an instant, Khushi's shy smile disappeared. His words had hurt and in the blink of an eye, she got up and charged out of the bathroom. Arnav was shocked, completely thrown off by Khushi's reaction. Getting up, he grabbed a towel and went back to their room to find Khushi in bed, under the blanket, shaking slightly.

Shit, did I make her cry, Arnav wondered. 

He went over to her. "Khushi," he called out.

Arnav tried to move her her so that he'd face him but Khushi didn't budge. 

"Khushi," but she refused to turn.

Arnav got up and went around, but Khushi turned the opposite way, once again facing her back to him. Arnav sighed and moved behind her. He wrapped his arm around Khushi and she tried to push him away. 

Stubborn girl, he said in his head.

Khushi continued to push his arm away, but Arnav refused and kept his grip. Eventually Khushi gave up and Arnav buried his face in her damp hair. He felt Khushi shake again and heard her sniffle.

"Please don't cry," Arnav cajoled. 

It only made a sob escape from Khushi's lips and Arnav felt guilty.

"Khushi I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just didn't didn't want to pressure you and-"

Khushi turned around, showing Arnav her tear-stained face. "I did it because I love you," she cried. "You didn't pressure me into anything. I wanted to give myself to you and you...."

Khushi looked away and Arnav felt horrible. 

"I'm sorry," Arnav whispered, but Khushi wouldn't look at him. "I'm really sorry."

But she still didn't meet his eyes.

"I love you."

This time, Khushi did look at him. She looked into his pleading eyes and sighed. She placed her hand on his cheek and Arnav kissed it.

"I forgive you," Khushi said softly.

Arnav smiled slightly then bent down to give her a kiss. "Come," he said once he go, "let's take a proper shower."

Khushi simply nodded. Arnav got up and so did Khushi. When she went over to him, Arnav swooped down and picked her up. 

Khushi gasped. "Arnavji, what are you doing?"

Arnav didn't say anything and took her back in the bathroom. He went into the shower and placed her down. He turned the water back on and it streamed down on them. Khushi gasped at the sudden warmth and leaned into Arnav, placing her hands on his chest. Arnav wound his arms around her and pulled her even closer. Khushi looked up at him, her lips slightly parted. Bending down, Arnav kissed her again. 

They kissed each other softly, small kisses being exchanged. It slowly became intense and they kissed each other passionately, Arnav cupping her face and Khushi's arms around his neck. The kept pulling the other in closer, as if wanting the others body to become a part of theirs.

Khushi gasped at the feel of his erection. She felt Arnav trying to pull back, but she pulled him in closer. She continued to kiss him and Arnav's mind wandered back to her lips. He held her by her waist, pulling her in even closer. Khushi moaned into his mouth and tilted her pelvis up to meet him. Arnav gasped and let go of her, both panting really hard.


Arnav looked at her.

"Will you take me and make love to me?"

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Chapter Fourteen

Arnav noticed something. As the days passed, Khushi was acting weirder and weirder around him. When he had woken up the next day, Khushi was all over the place, mumbling and jumbling, stuttering at her every word to him. As it went on to the next day, to the next week, to the next few weeks, Arnav was really finding it weird.

It had been three weeks that this was happening. One night, Arnav had to work really late and when he came in, he found Khushi asleep. But the truth is, Khushi wasn't asleep. She was awake, waiting for him to arrive and when he did, she just shut her eyes. Arnav went towards the wardrobe to get his pjs. He had already eaten and had told Khushi to eat, which she had done.

Arnav pulled out a navy blue T-shirt and gray sweatpants. He unbuttoned his shirt and was about to unbutton his cuffs when his phone rang. As Arnav spoke on the phone, Khushi gazed at Arnav's chest. For three weeks, she had kept her control, and I mean KEPT HER CONTROL. Ever since the incident, all Khushi could think of was Arnav's body. But that was just the first week. Last week, she had a gutter-minded dream every night! And during the day, all she would think of was Arnav coming up to her with his dashing smile and sweeping her off her feet and kissing her and sexing her up! And this week? Let's not even.... Let's just say her panties have been a mess these days.

Arnav ended his phone call and unbuttoned his cuffs. He took off his shirt and then took off his pants and underwear. Khushi let out a sigh and Arnav turned to look at her. Khushi quickly shut her eyes and pretended to be asleep. Arnav smiled lightly and just looked at her, forgetting that he was naked.

Arnav took in her form. Her left hand was above her head and her right hand was right below her breasts. Her chest heaved up and down beneath the blanket, her breathing light. A stray strand of hair was on her face and Arnav reached out and moved it away.

"So beautiful," he whispered aloud.

Khushi felt her heart melt.

He cares, she shouted in her head. He really does care! But for how long? And how much longer do I have to wait?

Arnav moved back and was about to wear his boxers when his phone rang.

"Hello? Yeah."

Arnav went to the bathroom, not taking his clothes, and the minute the door shut, Khushi shot up. She couldn't take it anymore and felt her body heat up. She couldn't wait anymore! Her thoughts and dreams had taken over and his little action from right now was the little push she needed. Unable to think straight, Khushi's hormones took over.

Khushi looked down at Arnav's clothes and picked them up. She could smell his cologne and brought his clothes to her nose. She inhaled his scent and felt blood rush down there.

I really must be at that time of the month, she said in her head, shaking her head at herself.

Khushi heard Arnav's muffled voice from the bathroom and scratched her head.

What do I do? Uh...- wait! He's naked! ... He's naked! And I'm....

Khushi looked at herself in the mirror.

It's now or never Khushi.


A few minutes later, Khushi had already gone back to bed and had her eyes shut. Arnav came out and he grabbed his clothes. He went over to the vanity and put his phone down. He looked up and his eyes widened as he saw Khushi standing up behind him, holding onto the blanket.

"Khushi, what are you-"

He was about to turn around, but Khushi held her hand up.

"Wait," Khushi said.

Arnav scrunched his eyebrows at her reflection.

"Arnavji, I... I...."

Arnav attempted to turn around again but Khushi shook her head.

"No wait, please."

"Khushi, what's wrong," Arnav asked confusedly.

"What's wrong? Nothing," she chattered nervously.

"Khushi seriously, tell me. You've been acting weird these past few weeks. What's been eating you?"

"Arnavji I... I...."

He tilted his head, his eyebrows scrunched.

Khushi herself was asking what was wrong with her. She didn't understand why she was acting this way, but deep in her heart she knew - she was just too scared to say it.

"Well," Arnav questioned softly.

"I... Arnavji, I...." She took a deep breath. "I love you, Arnavji," she said softly.

Arnav gasped and it wasn't missed by Khushi.

"I love you," she breathed.

Arnav was in shock. His mind was completely blank and he just gaped at Khushi's reflection.

Khushi tucked her hair behind her ear and looked down, blushing hard from her confession.

"Say something," she practically whispered.

And Arnav knew his answer. In these three weeks, he himself had discovered that he loved her. He had once liked her as kids and his feelings had increased to love. He just didn't know how to bring it out and now that Khushi had the topic out in the open, he was more than ready to say it.

"Khushi I-"

Arnav looked up at her reflection and froze, his pupils dilated. Unable to believe what he saw, he turned around and looked at Khushi. Khushi had removed the blanket, exposing her naked body which she had hidden underneath. It was her idea all along. She needed him to fully understand her want, her desire - her love. Arnav looked her body up and down, memorizing every detail of her as Khushi's chest heaved.

"Please say you love me Arnavji," Khushi whispered.

Arnav could hear her want for him and he wanted her to know his feelings as well. But just as Arnav was about to say the three magical words, he felt a twitch down below. His eyes shot down and Khushi hadn't missed it either and looked, both to see "Mr. Happy" up in spring. Khushi gaped at Arnav and Arnav looked really embarrassed.

"You're... you're turned on," Khushi asked.

Arnav scratched his head. "Well... yeah," and he began to blurt, "I-I-I mean when you've got a beautiful wife that you love-"

"You love me?"

Arnav looked up at her hopeful eyes. "Yeah...."

Khushi smiled, looking happier than ever and ran up to Arnav and hugged him. Arnav stood still at first, but then he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. The fact that they were flesh on flesh, skin on skin, went out the door and they were beyond happy that the one they loved, loved them as well.