Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Chapter Twelve

Khushi moved her head slightly. Slowly, she opened her eyes and blinked in the lights.

Where am I, she wondered.

She looked around her left and realized she was in the hospital. She then felt a weight and looked to her right, and what she saw, surprised her. Arnav was holding her hand, asleep, right beside her.

What is he... Arnav you... you stayed by my side?

Khushi smiled with tears coming to her eyes.

He cares! He does care! ... or did he do it because he was asked to?

Arnav had never shown Khushi any signs. So to think positive was kind of difficult to believe. Khushi looked back at Arnav.

He would never do something mean, he's not like that.

Khushi felt tempted to reach out and run her hand through his hair.

No Khushi, that would be weird.

She turned away but then looked back.

But he wouldn't know.

Khushi reached out then quickly drew her hand in.

No Kush! What if he wakes up?

She looked at him and got really tempted.

But it wouldn't hurt, she bit her lip.

Slowly, she move her hand to his hair and let her fingers sink in.

Wow, his hair is really soft.

She let her hand roam, her fingers feeling every inch of his hair. She let herself continue, loving the feeling of his soft hair between her fingers.

Arnav felt something in his hair and slowly blinked his eyes open. He blinked a few times and then his vision cleared. He still felt the thing in his hair and looked up to see Khushi awake with her hand in his hair.

Khushi froze and her eyes widened   Both got stuck into an eye lock and just gazed away at each other. Khushi was nervous, unsure of how Arnav would feel about this. Arnav on the other hand was grateful that Khushi was awake.

Arnav stood up, making Khushi withdraw her hand.


Arnav pulled Khushi in to a hug and hugged her tightly, his hand in her hair, the other arm around her shoulders. Khushi was in shock and she just blinked.

"Oh thank God, you're okay," Arnav said.

Khushi slowly moved her hands up and held his arms. She never expected this from Arnav. And for him to do such a loving gesture, filled her heart.

Arnav sat down and held her head within his hands. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better now," she nearly whispered.

"I'll go get the nurse."

Arnav stood up to leave, when Khushi grabbed his hand. He looked back at her and she looked into his eyes.

"I'm okay," she simply said.

"You sure?"

Khushi nodded.

Arnav hugged her again and held her tightly. "I thought I almost lost you."

Khushi chuckled lightly. "Arnavji, I fainted; that's all."

Arnav realized how unlike the day before, she was stating him as "Arnavji" instead of "Arnav" and Arnav didn't like it at all.


The door opened, so Arnav let go of Khushi, and in came the nurse.

"Oh, good morning Mrs. Raizada," the nurse said. "Mr. Raizada."

The two nodded.

"I'll go get the doctor."

The nurse left and within a minute, she came back with the doctor. The doctor checked up on Khushi and everything seemed alright.

"We might be able to let Mrs. Raizada go today," the doctor said. "She'll just have to rest and then she'll be all better. And no stress either."

Khushi nodded.

"Don't worry," Arnav said. "I'll take care of her."

Khushi looked up at him.

"I'll be by her side the entire time," he said to the doctor.

Khushi couldn't believe it.

But if he's with me all the time, then when will he focus on his work, she wondered.

"Very well Mr. Raizada," the doctor said, and he left.

After a couple of tests, the results were in and Khushi was fine. She was discharged and Arnav was going to take her home.

Khushi had changed into fresh clothes that Arnav's secretary had brought. She wore a plain yellow sari and looked for her mangalsutra. It wasn't with the pile of her stuff and she got scared.

"Oh no," she said aloud. "Where's my mangalsutra?"

She looked on the floor.

"Oh my gosh, where is it," she began to panic.

Arnav came in, back from his call, and saw Khushi worried. "What's wrong?"

"Arnavji, I can't find my mangalsutra!"

She looked like she was going to cry. In fact she had tears brimmed in her eyes. Arnav found it really cute and it made him feel a humble feeling in his heart, seeing how much Khushi cared about their marriage.

Arnav slowly walked towards Khushi, who was still looking around for it, moving the sheets aside on the bed. Arnav held her shoulder and turned her around to face him.

"Arnavji I-"

"Relax Khushi," Arnav said, cutting her off.

"But Arnavji I... I'm so irresponsible," she nearly cried.

"Shh," Arnav soothed.

"I'm such a terrible wife," Khushi said, tears flowing down.

"No, don't say that," Arnav said, wiping her tears away with his thumbs, cupping her face. "It's not your fault."


"I have it."

Khushi scrunched her eyebrows. "You... have it?"

Arnav nodded. He reached into his pocket, still cupping her face with a hand, and drew out her mangalsutra. "I should've given it with your stuff."

Khushi gazed at Arnav.


Arnav let her go and turned her around so that her back was facing him. Slowly moving his hand up, he brought his hand to her hair and slowly brushed it aside. At the touch of her skin, Khushi took in a sharp breath, which Arnav had definitely heard. Khushi was breathing rapidly, and that wasn't missed by Arnav either.

Unhooking the necklace, Arnav placed the necklace around her neck. Khushi shut her eyes while Arnav fastened the necklace. For Khushi, this was a precious moment and it meant something to her.

Arnav brought her hair back and just as Khushi was about to say something, his secretary walked in.

"Sir, the car is ready," she said.

Arnav nodded and she left. He looked at Khushi and said "are you ready to go?"

Khushi nodded.

Arnav held her hand and Khushi slowly followed Arnav. But once they were out in the hall, Khushi didn't feel so good.

"Are you okay," Arnav asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine-"

"Don't lie Khushi."

"But Arnavji-"

Arnav swooped down and picked her up. He started to walk towards the exit and Khushi gazed at him the entire time. Arnav noticed and looked at her and their eyes were caught. They just gazed at each other, Arnav's feet working on its own and taking him outside.

Outside, security went around the couple, a huge wad of the media around with cameras. People asked questions and were filming them, but Arnav and Khushi paid no attention. The two were busy looking into each others eyes, unaware of the people around them.

Once they got to the car, Arnav placed her in and he went around and sat beside her. Cameramen came running towards them and attacked Khushi's window.

"Mrs. Raizada, what happened?"

"Who were the men that kidnapped you?"

"Do you think that something like this will happen again?"

Nonstop questions fired at her and some even managed to get their head through the windows. Security tried to push them away and Arnav held her by the waist and pulled her closer to him to get away from the fuss. One camera was right on them, before security pushed everyone away.

The car was started up and pulled away, leaving the huge crowd behind. The entire ride, Arnav held into Khushi and Khushi had her head rested on his shoulder. She was tired, so Arnav didn't say anything and nor did she. Once they arrived at the house, Anannya was already standing outside with Mamaji. Khushi was about to step out, but knowing Khushi's condition, Arnav stopped her. He got out, went around and carried her out and towards the door.

Once again, Khushi was amazed by Arnav's actions. He cared so much of her health, her well-being. Not only was Khushi surprised, but Arnav's mom, not to mention Mamaji, was surprised as well. They had never seen Arnav and Khushi this close. Ever! And to see this filled Anannya's heart.

Arnav came forward with Khushi and Anannya welcomed them home. Taking the evil eye off of them, they entered and Arnav took Khushi directly upstairs to their room. Arnav laid Khushi down and Anannya and Mamaji were watching it all.

Arnav moved to get the blanket, but just as he moved, he moved right back, Khushi's mangalsutra stuck on his shirt. He was just centimeters from her face. The two just looked into each others eyes, completely still.

Anannya couldn't help but have tears come to her eyes, seeing something so sweet. She looked at her brother and they left, shutting the door behind.

Arnav and Khushi flinched from the sound of the door and looked away. Arnav felt a bit awkward, as well as did Khushi, but they liked the position. But Khushi wasn't exactly comfortable, not knowing exactly where they stood.

Slowly reaching up, Khushi carefully tried to get her mangalsutra off. Arnav looked at her while Khushi was busy with her task and once she freed it, she adjusted it. When she looked up, she saw that Arnav was still looking at her. Her eyes widened as she looked at him looking at her. Her breathing had increased as well and she didn't know this was happening at all.

His gaze was tensing. It had intensified so much, it gave Khushi tingles and she shivered slightly. Arnav noticed and thought she was cold and snapped out of it. He got up and pulled the blanket over Khushi. She just watched him as he moved around the room, closing the curtains.

"You should sleep," Arnav said.

Khushi just nodded and Arnav left the room to do some work. She sighed and just looked around the room.

Will things change, Khushi wondered. I mean... the way he's acting... I hope things change.

Khushi looked down at her mangalsutra and held it over her heart. She thought about the day before and thought of how close her and Arnav were. She thought of how close they were earlier today too.

Khushi turned. What if we do get close?

She shut her eyes and an image of Arnav from Dev's party appeared. She opened them immediately and gasped.

Oh my gosh! Now I'm even seeing him when my eyes are closed!

She shut them again and saw an image of him close to her when they were dancing at the party. She opened them again and covered her face with the blanket. Slowly, she peeked out.

Am I really falling for him?


I really am falling for him, she smiled, and shut her eyes.


I have fallen for him.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Chapter Eleven


Arnav was yelling out, nonstop, making people move out of the way. Him, the team of nurses and doctor ran down the halls, heading towards the ICU. Once they got to it, the doors opened and the nurses went in, taking Khushi. Arnav was about to follow in, but they stopped him.

"I'm sorry Sir, you can't go in," the doctor said.

Arnav tried to debate, but the doctor went in, the light bulb coming to life above. Arnav went to the wall and just stared at the floor.

All of this is happening because of me, he said in his head. It's all my fault.

Mamaji came running in with Arnav's mother. She saw Arnav and ran towards him.

"Chote! Chote, where is she," Anannya exclaimed. "Where's Khushi?"

Arnav couldn't make his voice work, so he pointed at the ICU. Anannya looked up a it and then back at Arnav.

"Is she okay?! What happened?"

Arnav said nothing.

"Tell me! Chote!"

But he said nothing.

"Arnav! Tell me!"

She never called him Arnav unless she was teasing him or exceptionally mad.

Arnav looked at his mother. "Ma," his voice cracked.

His mother had never seen him like this. "Chote-"

Arnav hugged his mother tightly. "This is all my fault! It's all mine! Not hers! Mine!"


"It's all my fault. Sh-sh-she never should've married me. She..."

"Shh, Chote no," Anannya soothed, wiping her sons face clear of tears. "You don't mean that-"

"But I do!"

Anannya sighed and caressed his cheek. "No you don't."

Arnav didn't listen and sank down to the floor. Anannya followed and rested on her knees.

"Chote, you're only saying that-"


"You're only saying that because-"

The door opened and a nurse came out. Arnav got to his feet immediately and tried to ask her how Khushi was, but the nurse didn't reply. She stormed past and Arnav sighed in exasperation. The nurse reappeared, but still didn't say anything.

"The fuck man," Arnav exclaimed.

"Chote," both his mother and Mama scolded.

"Sorry! But still!"

Soon the doctor came out and Arnav ran to him.

"Doctor, how is she," he asked.

"Don't worry. Mrs. Raizada is fine."

All three of them sighed.


"But what," Arnav asked.

"Chote let her speak," Anannya said.

"It's alright," the doctor said, and then turned to Arnav. "She's fine, but extremely tired. She seems stressed out so I'm going to suggest that she relaxes for a while; do no work and only rest."

"Not a problem," Anannya said.

"Good. And also, she has a big lump on the back of her head, so she'll have to be careful of that. If she gets head spins, that'll be normal. Just make sure she gets rest so it doesn't happen often."

"Okay," Arnav said.

"Alright then Mr. Raizada. We're just gonna do a few more tests and then tomorrow morning, you can take her home."

Arnav nodded. "Can I see her?"

The doctor nodded. "Of course. But one person at a time," and she left.

"Chote, why don't you go first," Mamaji said.

Anannya agreed and Arnav agreed. He went into the room and saw the nurse checking on the monitors and Khushi laid there with an oxygen mask over her.

As the nurse left, Arnav sat beside Khushi. She was asleep, her chest moving lightly up and down. Arnav took her right hand in his hands and held onto it tightly.

This really is my fault, he said in his head. Had you never married me...

He kissed her hand and rested his forehead on their hands.

Outside, Anannya and Mamaji realized that Arnav was still in there and got curious. They peeked in and gaped. Arnav had fallen asleep beside her, still holding Khushi's hand.

Anannya smiled. "And he felt guilty."

"The boy doesn't understand yet," Mamaji said.

"True. Little does he understand that he's only saying that because he loves her." She sighed. "At least, I hope he does. And that she does too."

The couple slept peacefully and quietly thought the night, only the nurse coming in to check up on Khushi. She removed Khushi's mask, since she was back to breathing steadily, and looked at the couple.

The media was buzzing on Arnav and Khushi, but so far had no news on them. Finding this a great opportunity, the nurse took a picture with her phone and sent it to a news station and Arnav and Khushi became breaking news within the second.