Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chapter Eight

"Ready to have fun," Khushi asked.

Arnav nodded.

She smiled and took his hand and led him out to the dance floor.

Music was pumping and the floor felt like it was vibrating. Everyone was dancing and Khushi led him to the middle of the floor.

Arnav looked side to side. "Um, Khushi... I don't know-"

"Oh come on! It'll be fun!"

People danced away and Arnav just looked at them. Khushi had her arms at her waist, when she heard "Uff Teri Ada" go off.

Arnav couldn't believe how graceful and beautiful Khushi looked. She was amazing, her hair bouncing as she moved. He was in such daze, he wasn't even moving, his eyes just traveling to where Khushi went and moved. Khushi noticed and didn't like how he wasn't letting loose, so she began to dance with him. Arnav just looked at her, her eyes sparkling and playful. As the music sped up, Khushi stood in front of him and placed his hands at her waist and she shook them side to side and Arnav just looked at her. He couldn't even remember the last time he had done something like this. It didn't take long until Arnav began to dance and as song after song passed, the two were absorbed into the music.

Khushi began to feel thirsty and stopped and Arnav scrunched his eyebrows.

"Follow me," she simply said and she took him to the bar.

They sat down and Khushi ordered a drink for her and Arnav. Arnav couldn't believe it.

She drinks, he wondered. Damn!

The drinks were placed and Arnav looked at the shot cups in front of him.

Ah! Tequilas.

Khushi placed some salt onto her hands and was about to on Arnav's, when she saw that he had already done it.

"Hmm, seems like someone has drank before," Khushi said.

Arnav took some salt. "No joke," and he took his shot.

Khushi just looked at him wide eyed and blinked. He ordered five more shots and when he was about to order his sixth, Khushi stopped him.

"I think that's enough for one night," Khushi said.

"Enough," he whined. "No! More!"

"Stop acting like a five year old. Now let's go - we're leaving."

Khushi took his hands and Arnav stopped whining and Khushi said bye to her friends and they headed out. Arnav couldn't believe how beautiful his wife was. He felt like holding her tightly.

"You sit behind, and I'll drive," Khushi said.

Arnav smiled drunkily and Khushi scrunched her eyebrows, smiling. She started to drive home and Arnav held onto her. Khushi didn't mind, knowing his drunk state. As for Arnav, he was enjoying it, holding his beautiful, luscious, sexy-

Whoa! Arnav chill, he exclaimed in his head. She's your wife! ... your wife that doesn't love you.

They had arrived home and Khushi helped them to sneak back inside. Khushi left her bike somewhere where no one would find it and she would take it back the day after. Going up the stairs, they went into their room and Khushi sat on the bed and sighed. Arnav was loopy and drunk and he fell to the floor.

"Oh no!" Khushi ran to his side. "You okay?"

Arnav chuckled, rubbing his head. "Nah, I'm fine. Cheeeiiiluh!"

Khushi just pursed her lips and helped him up and had him sit down on the bed. Arnav smiled like a fool and looked at Khushi.


"Yes Arnavji?"

"Can I ask you something?"

She nodded.

"Why are you so beautiful?"

Khushi blinked. "What," she breathed out.

"You're really hot. Sometimes I forget you're my wife!"


"I'm rotten, aren't I?"

"What? No Arnavji, you're-"

"Truth be told, I liked you before."

Khushi scrunched her eyebrows. "Wha... what?"

He nodded. "When we were teens, I had a crush on you, though I never told anyone."


Arnav smiled drunkily and nodded. "Yap!"

Khushi couldn't believe it. She was stuck in thought about it and when she turned back to look at Arnav, he had already laid back on the bed and had fallen asleep.

Khushi sighed and helped him in and she changed and got a pillow and slept on the sofa.